Humankind is one such species with a mixture of so many emotions and expressions. I wonder out of so many options why Hatred is chosen as a medium of expression or even thought.
I was reading a book - Best Laid Plans by Sidney Sheldon , a great author with amazing stories we have been reading since years. Out of all the characters in there, there is one which has become my all time favorite - Dana Evans . A remarkable lady with a true hero inside portraying the war in Sarajevo at her own risk. A war which had no reason, no right or wrong. This is not just a situation there but currently in Iraq and neighboring countries as well. Innocent people are killed and children are abandoned on streets, refugee camps are bombed but the question is WHY???
Everyday we hear some or the other news of violence and racism. Why there is no Peace? Is it because the government is too focused on getting profits from the war supplies they offer to the countries in need or is it that war helps to get funding from UN. Talking on a minuscule level, do we have peace within our own selves???
We always hear to the news stories and start wondering how bad the world is but we never tend to peep in our own self and ponder how we have been throughout our lives. Before we think what the world does, have we ever taken out time to think that even we are a part of this very own world? We make the World. Sadly we have our own boundaries. We limit our good self only to those who make us feel happy or to whom we are more attached, but does this make us hate the others who fail to meet this criteria? I would say it doesn't. Why we Hate when we have a beautiful thing called Love?

Hate gives you negativity and when it spreads, makes you restless and anxious.The beauty of Love is that it makes you stronger as it gives you Peace and Peace makes you prosper. Love Multiplies as it spreads on and on. The power of love can buy you some of the best people in this world and you can always choose to neglect the few who hinder your growth but never Hate as you will have them in your mind that ways. Love is a tool which helps to repair all your problems and mend broken connections. Love can make an animal be your loyalest companion, Love can cure an ailing being, Love can demolish the stupid societal structure, all in all Love can make you Human!
Spread Love, Spread Positivism. Stop worrying about petty issues and hating others for them. You can change this world because you make it. Hate has never nor will it solve any problems of this world being the only cause of them. World will be a better place to live in if we understand and imbibe this in our daily lives.
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